Monday, May 7, 2007

5/12/07 Comedy in Times Square at The Laugh Factory

This show, aka Lucas's Birthday show, is my first ever appearance
at the Laugh Factory.

I lucked out with this spot because it's a Saturday night @ 7pm show.

Why not stop by as a pre-party to your Saturday night festivities in NYC?

Doesn't that sound like the freakin' coolest time ever?
Wouldn't you feel like a total baller kickin' it at a comedy show to pre-game?!?

Did I mention..
The Laugh Factory is located in Times Square,
and charges a $12 cover charge with a two drink minimum?

You're a total baller,
big money. big pimpin'.
Saturday, May 12th at 7pm at the Laugh Factory
Sue Funke

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